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oh wow… this is amazing! Thanks for making this!

Thank you for playing our game ❤️

This is such a beautiful, yet sad game. A must-play for any cat lover 💜

Thank yoouuuuuu <3

So cute and sweet! I love Inchi so much! T_T

Thank you for playing our game! 

i'm really into the story, i would love to see a short animation about it! Inchi is so cute!! 

Thank you so much for playing this game! 

(4 edits)

I cried. It was so sad, but also cute. 
(Also I played it on the channel "Don't Forget: We'll Meet Each Other".
The video will be called "665")

(2 edits)

thank you for playing our game ❣️ 

Looking forward to the video!  We'll share your video to our community members